Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Few Writing "Tips"... or Something Like That...

Yes, and no... it's sometimes rather exciting, too!! =D 

*Ahem* Um, yes... I believe we can all raise our hands at this point. :-) 

Very true, I've heard... I've never experienced the reader crying over my books before, but I have made myself cry (and, no, it wasn't over one of my children's books... :-) 

Doesn't seem quite so bad when you put it that way, does it??

These were just a few things off of my Pinterest Account. Thought I'd share them on my 'writing blog' as they were 'author appropriate'. :-) I've been considering sharing bits of some of my books on here as well, but I haven't come to conclusion yet. Would any one be interested in that sort of thing?