Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Few Writing "Tips"... or Something Like That...

Yes, and no... it's sometimes rather exciting, too!! =D 

*Ahem* Um, yes... I believe we can all raise our hands at this point. :-) 

Very true, I've heard... I've never experienced the reader crying over my books before, but I have made myself cry (and, no, it wasn't over one of my children's books... :-) 

Doesn't seem quite so bad when you put it that way, does it??

These were just a few things off of my Pinterest Account. Thought I'd share them on my 'writing blog' as they were 'author appropriate'. :-) I've been considering sharing bits of some of my books on here as well, but I haven't come to conclusion yet. Would any one be interested in that sort of thing?


  1. How fun! Those were good words. My favorite being the feedback (sometimes the negative feedback is what brings the most positive changes!) and the reading good books. (May I recomend Randy Alcorn and Francine Rivers?!?!?!) haha

    Cute quotes! I like!

    YES! Do post parts of your books! Just be ready for people to really comment on them....which really means me. :) So long as you know it is given in love is a good thing. :D

    Love you!

  2. Hi Sarah Elizabeth,

    Thank you for sharing these quotes. I joined your blog a couple weeks ago and I like what I see. I like to write too, and it's encouraging to read other author's blogs.

    How many books have you written?

    His Princess,

    P.S. I think sharing bits of some of your books is a neat idea.

    1. Hello, Bekah! I apologize for taking so long to reply.
      It is always exciting to hear about new authors, so I'm glad to 'meet' you! :) Thank you for following my blog.
      I have published one book so far, but am currently working on a few more that I hope to have done by early next year.
      I look forward to the time when I'll see some books in print that are written by you. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!


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