Sunday, March 2, 2014

And the Countdown Begins!

I've begun to think that the month of March is going to be very similar to November, if not worse.

Last year when I participated in NaNoWriMo, I didn't think I'd be doing it again in March. However, as deadline for book publication draws nearer and I still have tons to do, I realize that it will be another writing-like-crazy sort of month. The problem? I'm having a hard time staying motivated. Somehow, with NaNo, I was able to accomplish what I did with (the Lord, first off) the deadlines, the competition, knowing that if I failed, lots of people would know it. Yeah, I tend to work better under pressure, I guess. =)

So, now, without anyone else joining up in a challenge with me, I'm having to challenge myself! Not going to be as fun, but I've figured out a couple ways to keep myself going.

1.) Setting daily goals. Daily, not weekly. Weekly seems to be too much because I procrastinate all week and then I have a ton of words to write in just one day. Not a good idea.

2.) Music! I seriously cannot write without music. It just don't work for me, y'all.

3.) Late nights... um, yes. Unfortunately I have this thing called "late night hour writing syndrome'. Pretty terrible. Most of my inspiration comes when I am up late. I think it actually has more to do with the house being dark, quiet, with a general spookiness. hah!

4.) Drinks. I'm not a huge coffee fan, but I do enjoy tea, water, Dr. Pepper, etc. However, I've found that whenever I have tea or coffee (sometimes I do drink it), it tends to get cold because I don't drink it fast enough. So, out comes the cold water and soda! Although, water is usually my staple. Soda is a treat.....

5.) Frequent breaks. Not too many, but too few can be detrimental to your writing. I have to get up and walk around, see what the fam is up to, go take a walk, eat lunch, take out the trash... you name it. Just getting up and walking around, breathing deeply, helps wake up my brain and keeps my creative 'juices' flowing.

So that's what I do. What do you do to keep yourself going? I'd love more suggestions!


  1. I offer myself little rewards for different milestones, count words to show I have made progress even when it feels like I am going nowhere, pat myself on the back for each little success, post my progress or lack of progress for others to see so I can't slack off, and I talk about my characters and or plots with other writers.

  2. Those are some fantastic ideas. Thank you, Rachel!! I shall have to keep them in mind. =)

  3. I generally write every day. I feel frustrated if I don't. I got into the habit a while back, so it's more of a lifestyle than a rush to get things done. (Although I sometimes do get behind, as you know!) But, for days I need motivation, Pinterest or funny YouTube videos generally serves as my reward. :)


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