Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Writing Challenge Update

Hello fellow writers!

I'm popping in to see how everyone is doing with their writing challenge... I'm afraid that I must admit I've lagged behind... in fact, I haven't even started yet. This week has been, shall we say, a tad bit busy. After a fun weekend of working cows (and lying in the mud from a week of rain- which was wonderful, so I'm not complaining), I'm afraid I didn't have much time for writing. However, my goal is to work on it tomorrow.

I've got a lot on my plate, but, as a writer, I'm learning how to manage my time to fit in writing. It seems to me that one will 'never have time' unless they 'make time' for things like this. We have to remember, as aspiring authors (or perhaps already published authors!) that writing isn't just a 'pastime' or 'pleasure'. Well, it is that, in a sense, but it is also a job. When one works, one has to get up in the morning, spend 8 hours a day at the office, and come home. Every. Single. Day. (not including weekends). So, why do I see so many aspiring authors treating their writing like a hobby? If you're going to make this become something, then you have to make it become something. That means that we can't say, while washing dishes or cleaning house, "Oh, I don't have time for this." Nay. We must make the time. Figure out a schedule for yourself. Set aside 30 minutes, or several hours if you so choose, to write. Like the writing challenge, it doesn't have to be just in your growing novel. It could be a letter or a journal entry. It doesn't matter. We simply need to learn to make writing a priority if we want to go anywhere with it. It's as simple as that.

And, with that being all said, then I shall humbly say that I must listen to my own words. Tomorrow I shall begin with my writing challenge. I might be behind from most of you, but that doesn't mean I've missed anything or ruined my writing career.

Even though I'm behind, I'd dearly love to hear how everyone else is doing! Please drop a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. If we wait for time to "happen" so our writing can "happen", we won't get anything done. I did my writing in the car yesterday. And today I am bringing my laptop to piano lessons so I can write in between teaching. :) So I know what you mean about not having the luxury of just having time to yourself to do it!!! Keep it up.


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