Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wisdom from a Friend

I recently asked a friend of mine if she would be willing to be my 'writing mentor'. Someone who could encourage me to write, critique my writing, and basically be a mentor. The friend I asked does freelance writing, has published several articles in various newspapers, online sites, and on her own personal blog. She is a very good friend of mine, but she is also one of the women I look up to as an example.

Yesterday, she shared a gem of wisdom with me, and I thought I would pop in and repeat it on here (because I thought it was just too good to not share!). These were her words, more or less, that she spoke to me.

"This actually came to me when I was washing dishes this morning. If writing is what the Lord has called you to do, so it is therefore your calling, then to not write or not write what He has specifically told you is, essentially, going against the Will of God. You are disobeying Him."

Wow. Believe it or not, I hadn't exactly thought of it in that way. I've thought about my writing as a ministry, but never as a 'calling', per se. When I procrastinate, or don't get some writing done when I need to, I'm disobeying the will of God. Kind of a scary thought.

Thank you, friend, for sharing that with me!! I definitely needed to hear it. :-)


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Sarah Elizabeth. I needed to hear this!
    Sometimes I don't even know where all the ideas for my books come from, but I am always reminded that these ideas came from God. He has given me this talent, and as my dad says, 'God's not going to let you write a piece of junk.' Of course, my books might not be a best seller, but if I can reach out to just one person, I've succeeded.


    His Princess,

  2. I so agree! I suppose that is why I would feel so guilty as a 13 year old when I wouldn't write. I knew I should be, but just hadn't recognized my calling. Now, I can't get away from writing. It's what He wants and I must follow. :)

  3. That is a great quote, and I'm so glad that she shared it with you (and you shared with us here.) You are BLESSED with such a wonderful mentor and friend.

  4. Very true and a good reminder for sure!

  5. Hi Sarah Elizabeth,

    I just wanted to pop in again to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award on my blog:

    God bless and have a great day!
    His Princess,


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