Monday, December 2, 2013

November is Finished, but the Writing is Not!

Hello fellow Writers!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm slightly relieved November is over. It was a grueling month of sitting at a computer for so many hours a week. Not really fun (for me, anyway!). I enjoy writing, but I just don't care for the process- the sitting, the thinking, the brain blocks, etc.

However, I am very excited to say that I am a NaNoWriMo Winner!

I seriously could not have done it without my family. They are really great. My mom made sure I had plenty of time to write during the day so I was staying up super late at night (which basically means that she either took over some of my chores, or helped out to make it go faster). Then my siblings were great, too, in that aspect of taking over chores or just being an encourager to me. My younger brother often came to see how my word count was doing, give me a high five, give me chocolate, etc. Yeah, he's great. :-)
  My dad helped me keep on track with his words of wisdom: "It's not how many words you write, but what you write that counts." It helped me realize that even if I didn't win NaNo this year, so long as I was satisfied with my writing and felt that I did my best, then that's all that mattered.

One of the biggest challenges for me (and hopefully others, so I'm not alone here!) was making sure I didn't write tons of words, but a story. See, it's easy to get caught up in just writing whatever so that you get as many words in as possible. It really doesn't matter. Honestly, if you're a good writer, you can tell a story in 20, 000 words as opposed to 50, 000 and still do a good job. It's easy to write up a LONG description of a flower on the hillside of some obscure mountain when it really has nothing to do with your story. Its easy to keep repeating the same thing over and over, just in a different way, so you can get your word count up. Yet the hidden point to NaNo, I think, isn't really about hitting that 50, 000 word mark, but it's about making yourself write to reach a goal. However, it is a public goal, therefore you have accountability. If you don't reach that 50, 000 words or don't even write much at all, folks are going to see it. I don't know about you, but that tends to really kick it for me. I don't like failing. I really don't- especially when it comes to writing. I want to be able to accomplish what I've set out to do. Yet there were several times last month that I thought for sure I wouldn't make the goal. Determination set in, however (or perhaps it's just pure stubborness), and, Praise the Lord, I was able to make it.

Now that the month of November is over, I start thinking that I can take it easy... but the reality is, I can't. Not if I want to succeed with my writing, if I want to get my book published.
I'd love to take a break, and yesterday and today I have. However, I am now making a public goal. To finish the novel I started in November by December 31st. Sounds like a tough goal at first, but hey, I just wrote over 50,000 words in one month! I'm already a little more than halfway through my story (the actual story, not word count).
So here is my public announcement that I am setting out to do this. This means that I need you, my fellow writers, to hold me accountable. Sure, I don't have a fancy word counter so that you can see where I'm at, but I do have this blog. I can come and post every so often (can't promise a certain schedule) so that I can be held accountable. If I know I have to come here every week or so to post about how I'm doing, I'm going to be getting in a lot of writing.

However, there is a second goal here... and that is to post more regularly on here. I'm not exactly sure what I'll post about, but I've got a few ideas churning around in my head. So we shall see what we shall see. In any case, I'm glad to be able to pop my head up for a bit of 'blogging air', and now I get to burrow it again in the 'writing sand'... only, now I'll hopefully have more "air" breaks. ;-)

Happy Writing!

1 comment:

  1. Can I say I'm proud of you? And want to hug you? And want to read your 50,000 words? ;) Keep it up!


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