Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Keep It Real

Lately I have been learning so many confusing things about social media and your business. One site says that you need to keep it strictly professional and don't ever mention anything about your personal life while another site that you should share posts about things you would like to read while still keeping a somewhat professional front (in other words, don't be posting about what you had for lunch, but post about other activities besides your business), while another site says something entirely different.


It's so confusing! However, have no fear. I'm determined to get over this hurdle and make it across the finish line.... yeah, you can tell I've been watching Olympic re-runs. ;-)

In all seriousness, though, I would deeply appreciate your opinion on this matter. As my faithful readers/followers, I want to know what you think. What do you like seeing most from your favorite authors (not just me in particular). Should we do pictures or posts about our personal life or should we keep it strictly professional and only post about updates on our writing, what books are coming out, and the newest discounts?

You can either drop a line, or vote on the poll on the sidebar!!! Thanks!!!


  1. Hahahahah! I just posted what I had for lunch!!! Heeheee! Well, I like to follow people who put personal things up as well as business aspects. So, that is what I am striving for. :)

  2. I think you should add personal touches but also keep it professional. For example: Talk about hopes about future career in writing, write book reviews and put plenty of personality in them, and stuff like that. I would think that keeping it on subject (books) will help your readers know what to look for.
    Of course, I have just started and don't know much. But that's what I think so far . . .

  3. I like a mixture of the two and use that in my own blogging and posts.


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